Noise -
- Statistical Analysis
When assessing environmental noise it is generally useful to establish what
is the general or "background" noise level in the area; this is best
represented by the LA90 [also written dBA L90 or L90 dB(A)], which is the level
exceeded for the 90% of the time under consideration. Such measurements are
designated say 36.7 dBA LA90 or 36.7 LA90. Typical daytime background noise
levels range from 18 LA90 in a remote rural areas, through 30 to 40 LA90 in
"typical" or "quiet" suburban areas, to 50 to 60 LA90 for
busy urban areas.
Note that some standards use LA95 as the descriptor of
background noise. For most noise climates there is unlikely to be a large
(>1 dBA) difference between the LA90 and LA95. Chopard La Strada Replica
It has also been found that the LA10 is the best method of representing
traffic noise for the UK.