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Noise > Introduction

This site is sponsored by Martec for a Sound Test or Control of Noise at Work Assessment.

This section deals with noise generally. A general Acoustics FAQ is available elsewhere.  This information is UK based but has worldwide relevance unless marked otherwide.  The Noise Section is divided as follows

  • Terms & Units - Non-technical(ish) explanation of noise units such as LA90, LAeq, dBA, sound pressure level and sound power level.

  • Environmental - noise affecting residents including BS.4142, MPG11, PPG24, WHO criteria and CONCAWE weather effect, plus reducing noise entering the home, statutory/noise nuisance under The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and noise abatement notices and appeals. Funding - if you are involved in a legal action possible funding options. swiss replica watches

  • Occupational - workplace hearing damage assessment & control, The Noise at Work Regulations 1989, daily personal noise dose.

  • Building Acoustics - the quality of sound within rooms such as Reverberation Time RT60 and First Echo and sound insulation between rooms and dwellings and a brief consideration of School Music Room Acoustics.

  • Instrumentation - roundup of sound level meters from all major instrumentation manufacturers.

For immediate help on BB93 School Acoustics consult Martec.


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